Encrypt Data with AES

Encrypt Data with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

The encryptDatawithAES performs symmetric encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), specifically the Galois/ Counter Mode (GCM). Symmetric encryption is optimal for data encryption and performs the encryption and decryption of data with a single key.

A new AES key is generated each time the function is called. The data is encrypted using this key and a randomly generated initialized vector (iv).

The iv is required for decryption as well, hence it is returned prepended to the encrypted data as a combined Array Buffer. The encryption key is returned as well, as part of the return object. The key is generated as a CryptoKey object however it is converted to a base64 encoded string before being returned.

Basic Syntax

The function is called as follows:

import { encryptDatawithAES } from 'arweavekit/encryption';

const encryptedDataObject = await encryptDatawithAES({params});

Input Parameters

The following params are available for this function and they must be passed in as an object:

  • data: ArrayBuffer : The data to be encrypted passed in as an ArrayBuffer. The ArrayBuffer is optimal for data encryption using AES-GCM and is one of the preferred types for uploading data on Arweave.

const encryptedDataObject = await encryptDatawithAES({
    data: ArrayBuffer,

This encrypts the provided ArrayBuffer using the AES-GCM encryption method.

Returned Data

The function call returns the following data:

    rawEncryptedKeyAsBase64: Base64 string,
    combinedArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer,
  • rawEncryptedKeyAsBase64: string : The encryption key generated at the time of data encryption using AES-GCM and encoded using Base64 format.

  • combinedArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer : The combination of the random initialized vector prepended to the encrypted data as an ArrayBuffer.

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